LKFS/LUFS -11.7 dB
Clipped Samples Left 0
Clipped Samples Right 0
DC Offset +.000%, +.000%
Dynamic Range 10.8 dB
RMS Level Left -11.34 dB
RMS Level Right -12.31 dB
The LUFS is -11.7 dB, which is not bad considering what we are used to seeing. There are no clipped samples, which is a small miracle these days. Also the DC Offset is 0, again a rarity these days. The dynamic range is excellent for a modern recording. As far as the Left- Right balance, the left channel is 1 dB hotter than the right. The EQ is not bad, so overall this is much better than the average mastering job out there.
Here it is...(zoom your browser in to see the numbers)
Keeping the LUFS the same, the true peak is a slightly safer -1.0 dB.
The left - right balance is 0 dB difference.
The dynamic range is actually better by .2 dB.
There are less phase rotation problems.
The EQ has a more solid bottom end (60 Hz) and less 'mud' (200 Hz).
The high end is bit clearer.
The sound is therefor better.
These are not big issues, but that is what Mastering is about...
little issues that come together to make it sound better.