If this is any indication, things are heading in the right direction. The song is 24K by Bruno Mars.
Just thought that I would look at one of the top ten hits this month and see how it was on the Loudness-clipped sample line. It was actually better than I expected, which is encouraging. If this is a trend in the right direction, we don't know yet, but we can certainly hope. The LUFS comes in at -9.4 dB, which is better than many of our last examples at above -8.0 dB. The number of clipped samples is also low, though not the 0 that it should be. The left channel has 18 and the right channel has 8. I will show you a picture of a few here. There is a slight DC offset and you can see that the true peak level is +0.7, which results in the clipped samples. The true peak should be about -1.0 dB to avoid any clipping from any hardware or software. The EQ curve is basically good, without any anomalies. Here are the pictures.
If this is any indication, things are heading in the right direction. The song is 24K by Bruno Mars. Comments are closed.
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